
Franck Lagoutte - France - EX54GU02358

Franck is the new owner of this nice 2,3 litre OSI since june 8, 2012.

He's restoring the car and promised new pictures when finished.

To be done.

Ludo Aerts - Belgium - EX54GU02377

First registered in March 11, 1968.
To be done.

Philippe Tranchon - France - EX54GU02384

Philippe just entered the club of the 3 OSI ownership. It is the metallic grey.

This one looks really good. I will know all about it later...Philippe has some other beauties, a 1967 Volvo P1800S Coupe, a 1965 Volvo Amazon 122S and a 1958 Peugeot 203, his first car 25 years ago.

Fabio di Stefano - Italy - EX54Gx02397



Ronald Stap - The Netherlands - EX54Gx02416

Originally registered in Italy in July 30, 1968, this one is now in the Netherlands.
It has the 2,3 litre engine and it keeps it's original red color. It was imported from Italy by a Dutch trader (Jansen Classic Cars in Harderwijk). It needed some attention and it is back on the road since 2003. The first owner was Emilio Parigi in Arezzo.

Ken Forster - France - EX54GU02434

To be done soon...

Germany - EX54GU02441

This one was for sale at mobile.de

The car came obviously from France.The grill is not the original but it is still available although in bad condition. Asking price was 24.900 EUR.

France - EX54GU02442

The asking price was 19.000€ and was sold to Germany. According to the previous owner the car is ready to go and does not need any intervention.

Benito Fernandez - Spain - EX54GP02469

Restored bodywork, some spare parts, only need to rebuild original engine or replace it. 

Germany - EX54GP02479

Another one for sale on Ebay.

Antoine Leven - France - EX54GP02495

Antoine bought this beauty this Summer. It is a 2,3 litre engine back in it's original dark blue after being red. The interiors are beige.
Antoine first heard about the OSI 20m TS a couple of years ago when a friend showed him some pictures on Internet. Last June he found this one on Ebay and went to see it. He is now the 4th or 5th owner although the car is only 68.000 Km. There is some work to do inside and the engine also need attention. Antoine will keep us informed.

Ronald Stap - The Netherlands - EX54GP02508

Originally white, 2,3 litre engine.
Ronald bought this car along with another one, the brown EX54HL03040. Both were imported from France. This one had been restored, but not very well. It was bought by a Dutch trader near Utrecht from garage Vitesse in Pont d'Ucel, in France. It was bought together with the brown one which had been rescued from a French scrapyard. Ronald started the restoration of the yellow until he was able to buy the much better red one (EX54Gx02416) in 2000. Since then, this car is waiting for further restoration. 

Germany - EX54HB02512

This one was for sale in German eBay last January with a 350 € starting price.

The front was from EX54GD01548. I wonder if this car still lives. Thank you for sending this one, Thomas.

Philippe Tranchon- France - EX54GP02521


This car was on Ebay France and the auction ended in January 2009 but the car was sold outside Ebay.

It has a front colision damage but nothing truly serious. It's starting price was 3.500 EUR. The car has black leather seats and there is what appears to be a Taunus Knudsen moulding on the side panels. The engine is the 2,3 litres. A Philippe's friend told him about the car and he bought it one month ago. There are parts missing, namely the front grill, headlamps and both front and rear bumpersPhilippe sold this car along with the EX54GU02307 to Bonn, Germany.

Nederlands - EX54HB02529

This one sent by Thomas is for sale in The Nederlands. The asking price is 12,500 EUR

Germany - EX54HB02534

Thomas sent a link to this comprehensive restoration pictures.
Check  http://www.pixum.de/meine-fotos/album/1989237 while I try to find out more.

Jan Henk Van Lagen - The Netherlands - EX54GP02542

This one isn't a car anymore. It was dismantled in 2001 because it was very very bad. Jan just removed all the parts he could use.
The car was imported to Holland when it was about three years old. It was rotting in a pastureland for over 15 years.

France - EX54GP02544

This one was the cover of the French magazine Rétro Collection Magazine from September/October 2003
A nice six page article, I'll improve this one later...

Rene Tippe - Holland - EX54GU02550


Probably the youngest OSI owner I know, the 21 year old Rene from Rouveen already had Taunus and Granadas.

There is a lot of work to do as the car already had three colors. Although Rene just bought the car three weeks ago, he already started sanding the car starting from the doors. There are parts missing, so if somebody can help Rene locating them, he will be grateful. He needs the engine (the original engine was 2,3 liter), the front grill and the instruments.

Rene will surely keep us informed of the works. Congratulations and good luck Rene.

USA - EX54GP02554

This one was just sold on Ebay
To be done soon...